Pressure Treating Plants
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Protecting wood from insects, invertebrates and microbes
In the days of Alexander the Great, wood treatment was a common practice. While they used olive oil to preserve the wood on their ships, today we have much more effective and efficient methods. One of the best options arose in just the past few hundred years and is known as pressure treatment.
Pressure treatment revolutionized the world of wood preservation, as it allowed for a deeper penetration of preservatives into the wood. The only real downside is that the equipment required for this treatment wasn’t easy to come by. With the help of American Wood Technology, however, you can have all the pressure treatment equipment delivered right to you. Take a look at what our pressure treating plants can offer you.
Benefits of AWT
With its partners, IWT-Moldrup who ares the single largest supplier of treating plants in the world! And AWT as the exclusive sales agent of IWT-Modrup ion North Ameirca we are dedicated to putting your needs first, and we have made the process easier than ever before. Not only is IWT’s Factory-In-A-Box the highest-quality equipment possible, but it gets you treating faster than ever before. Typically, it would take a few months to set up all the equipment necessary for property pressure treatment, but we can help you get to work in just a few days or weeks depending on the size of factory!
Our equipment is versatile, allowing you to use any kind of preservation chemicals that you want. Not only does this give you the freedom to choose the best chemicals and preservatives for your application, but you also don’t have to be tied up with a single vendor. With our plant controls, you can work with anyone of your choice.

What is Pressure Treatment?
At its core (and very simplified), pressure treatment uses a complicated process to imbue wood with chemical preservatives. These preservatives protect the wood from its natural enemies, such as insects, invertebrates and microbial pests. This treatment prevents overall decay and allows the wood to last significantly longer.
The process itself involves putting the wood in a sealed cylinder. It is then submitted to pressurized conditions that allow preservatives to seep deep inside the wood, spreading throughout to its very core. That kind of thorough infiltration is the primary benefit of pressure treatment.
For your complete pressure treatment needs, we offer all the necessary equipment ready to go. Imagine getting a whole factory delivered “in a box”. Upon delivery, most of our pressure treatment plants are assembled and ready to go in  single mounted units. All you have to do is connect them to a power and water source. The  exceptions naturally, are our larger plant options that may be shipped in multiple units and requires some assembly on site.
Check out the T10 and T20 pressure treating plants, which include a tilting autoclave that works at the end of the treatment process to ensure a high-quality and virtually drip-free finished product. We also have a T-50 plant available, if you’re looking for budget solutions. We work with both oil- and water-based preservatives. We have systems for tinted preservatives, and you can even run a mixture of colors with efficient flush and clean-outs in between.
We have both trolley-type and feed-through plants. We offer complete automation or very simple and inexpensive treating plants. We also offer independent plant controls that are installable onto existing plants, as well as new start-ups.
Take your pressure treatment process to the next level by getting a pressure treating plant delivered right to you. Over a thousand of our T-type pressure treatment plants are in operation all around the world. Your company can become one of the thousands enjoying the benefits of our T-Type plants. Contact us today and make your wood treatment process easier than ever before!